
2011年1月15日—a.Openthecomputerfolderthenright-clickthedriveyouwanttolimitaccessto....c.Onthepropertiesbox,gototheSecurityTab.d.You ...,2011年6月22日—-Choosesettingsatthemostbottomofthelistyousee.-Choosesharingtab.Disablethesharingifitisactivated.Regards ...,FollowthestepsbelowtolockWindows7folders:Step1.OpenWindowsExplorerandnavigatetothefolderyouwanttopassword-protect.Right-clickonthe ...,Wi...

lock hard disk drives for non

2011年1月15日 — a. Open the computer folder then right-click the drive you want to limit access to. ... c. On the properties box, go to the Security Tab. d. You ...

how to lock drive D of windows 7 professional edition

2011年6月22日 — - Choose settings at the most bottom of the list you see. - Choose sharing tab. Disable the sharing if it is activated. Regards ...

[Solved] How Can I Lock Folders in Windows 7 Effectively

Follow the steps below to lock Windows 7 folders: Step 1. Open Windows Explorer and navigate to the folder you want to password-protect. Right-click on the ...

Three Ways to Lock a Folder in Windows 7 Without Sofware

Windows 7 has a built-in feature that enables users to lock folders easily. It's Folder Properties. You can lock a folder with the steps below. Step 1. Right- ...

How to lock a partition in my hard disk drive

2020年12月13日 — Right-click the Secret Disk icon on the taskbar once you've finished working with the partition; then select Lock to password-protect the ...

Listary 6.3 強化系統的即時搜尋功能

Listary 6.3 強化系統的即時搜尋功能
